“Christmas with a Capital C” is porn for Bill O’Reilly

This is a trailer for an actual movie called “Christmas with a Capital C” that stars Ted McGinley and Daniel Baldwin. Baldwin is the bad nasty atheist trying to “steal” Christmas from a town that violates the 1st amendment by putting up a creche on city property. Amazes me that people protecting their civil rights are seen as the bad guys

Christmas with a Capital C

(H/T vjack via twitter)

There is just so much wrong with the scenes in the trailer. This is porn for the likes of Fox “News” Bill O’Reilly.

Good thing is according to the IMDB it is going straight to DVD on
November 2nd.


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  1. Unknown's avatar
    December 22, 2010

    It is painfully apparent you didn't watch the movie at all. If you had, you would realize that the athiest character is actually drawn very sympathetically and it's the Christians who are portrayed as the bad guys. Until, that is, they get a clue as to what their religion is supposed to be all about. The whole point of the film is to educate small town Christians that they are not the center of the universe and don't own America. It's a shame you trashed such a timely and meaningful work designed to bridge the infamous gap between "us and them."

    • Unknown's avatar
      December 22, 2010

      It is true I haven't seen the whole movie but the trailer makes the story painfully clear. Small town has Christmas threatened by big bad atheist who it seems is only complaining because of a personal beef with the Ted McGinley character. Said bad atheist decides to run for mayor to take away Christmas and the town organizes to stop him.

      The problem is that it is against the law and civil rights to put a manger on public property. Christmas isn't being taken away by a complaint about an illegal act. The towns people are only mad because their Christian privilege is being threatened.

      Your take on the film is contrary to the trailer – but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since sometimes trailers are not what the actual film is about.

      Now once the film is available to me I may watch it and adjust my idea but I doubt it. I've seen too many of these kinds of films. This one is just over the top because it is based on a crazy premise that a manger on public property is okay or complaints about it or use of "Season's Greetings" is "taking Christmas away".

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