Christian nationalists are pulling out all the stops to sabotage the upcoming vote on abortion rights in Ohio. They are being obtuse, misinforming, and outright lying about the proposed amendment to fearmonger and manipulate your emotions. A recent social media post by a group that claims it is non-partisan is a pure example of religious bias masquerading as voter information.
Tag: propaganda
In this episode Doug talks to local activist Julian Mack about his run for Toledo City council and then I talk about a recent national news story involving a local high school and conservative propagnada website PragerU.

Governor Kaisch Speaking at The National Press Club 11/17/2015
Ohio Governor John Kasich, who is trying to run for President, gave a so-called national security strategy speech at The National Press Club on November 17th. What is Kasich’s strategy? Christian propaganda into non-Christian areas of the world. To Ohioans like me, this is classic Kasich – pandering to religious conservatives rather than offering sensible, rational, and secular policies to solve problems.

I saw the TV ads for a new film called ‘Last Ounce Of Courage‘ the other day and noticed Jennifer O’Neill and Fred Williamson were in it so I decided to check out the trailer and information on the film. I was actually shocked. The message of the film seems to be equating military death in war with being able to subvert the 1st Amendment that keeps church and state separate.

Like the ubiquitous terror warnings we all enjoyed during the Bush administration, the “War on Christmas” is another conservative dog whistle meant to piss off conservatives and other believers who fall for the false warnings from conservative propaganda machines like FOX “news”. The latest “fire storm” was the lighting of the holiday tree in the capital building in Providence, Rhode Island. The incident shows that efforts to be inclusive in what is a religious holiday, is shouted down by conservative bigots trying to protect Christians privilege.
I hate writing about this fake war so I’ll let Jon Stewart and the Daily Show talk about it:
This is a trailer for an actual movie called “Christmas with a Capital C” that stars Ted McGinley and Daniel Baldwin. Baldwin is the bad nasty atheist trying to “steal” Christmas from a town that violates the 1st amendment by putting up a creche on city property. Amazes me that people protecting their civil rights are seen as the bad guys