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Image showing featured topics like the Ohio governor, Jerry Coyne and Arienne Childry Ohio’s Don’t Say Gay Bill Is Now Law And Professor Jerry Coyne FAFO (1/15/2025) - Ohio's governor signs a don't say gay bill into law that also allows a Christian Nationalist group to indoctrinate children in public schools, a Federal judge claims using preferred pronouns is a 1st amendment violation, Professor Jerry Coyne is called on the carpet for using biology to justify discrimination and in a bright spot a Trans woman is appointed to…
Image showing David Yost, Dad's Place church, and the Bryan ohio water tower Dad’s Place Church: Zoning Disputes and the Fight for Religious Freedom (12/27/2024) - In this episode we get a final update on the effort by Lifewise Academy to force its way into our public-schools and then we learn there is some movement in the case of Dad's Place church in Bryan Ohio including the Ohio Attorney General and candidate for Governor sticking his nose into the local issue.
Includes images of the topics in the episode including healthcare reform and LGBTQ people Old Debates In A Murder’s Wake And Ohio’s Controversial Don’t Say Gay Bill (12/12/2024) - In this episode we talk about how a murder last week has led to a reminder of old complaints about the lack of a public option healthcare plan back in 2009. We then talk about the sneaky unethical way Ohio's Don't Say Gay bill is about to become law and if passed will also threaten our secular public-school system.

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