Author: Doug

Founder, editor and host of Secular Left - please be gentle

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July 6, 2005

Scalia has looked out upon the nations of the world where the government endorses certain religious ideas and not others – Saudi Arabia, China, Sudan – and decided that the United States should join in.

July 3, 2005

So it makes the week long flag lowering and President Bush kneeling at the foot of John Paul II’s body at the funeral all the more un-American. If we continue down that road then everyone will need a tissue.

June 29, 2005

While the rulings were a split decision, it seems the court is applying the same guidelines it applied in testing the legality of Christmas Nativity scenes placed on public property. It is all about the context and intent.

June 29, 2005

First off it is not a political party. The word “secular left”, as used in the context of this blog, is from the pejorative used by extreme political conservatives to pander to their extreme religious conservative base. The label includes anyone and any group who dissents against the extreme political conservative agenda in regards to social and culture issues.

June 26, 2005

Hostettler’s remarks are for lack of better words – damn stinking lies. There is no war on Christianity in America. No one is trying to “eradicate any vestige of our Christian heritage” (whatever that means). Obey’s amendment was to support religious liberty at the school – nothing more.

June 17, 2005

The GOP and religious right’s reactions in dismissing science reminds me of kids who stand on the roof of their house wearing capes made of Mom’s good towels. They want to be Superman and think that by leaping off the roof they will be able to fly.