Kellmeyer pieces together historical items to concluded that Secular Humanism and Islam abuses women. He makes a classic argument of guilt by association when in fact it is a straw man for Kellmeyer to knock down. Equating Secular Humanism and Islam is bad enough (because they aren’t even in the same neighborhood) but then Kellmeyer warps history to prove his “point”.
Author: Doug
Founder, editor and host of Secular Left - please be gentle
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I visited The Celebrity Atheist List. It is a website listing hundreds of celebrity atheists, agnostics, and other non-theistic believers.
So Medved believes that increases in DVD sales, high ticket prices, lack of a tent pole movie, tons of dreck retreads, and poor experiences at theaters had little to do with the current slump? He believes that Hollywood needs “Bush Love-fests” and more “Passion of the Christ” at theaters?
[A]mong most people who want their religious symbols standing on public property. The symbols make a statement-not of religious faith. They are not needed for that. They assert simply and starkly, as I’ve said, POWER OVER the nonbelievers….
Raspberry, not known to be a religious conservative, none the less presents the common myth that removing the Decalogue from government buildings and property is the same as removing religion from the public sphere and that it is anti-religious.