Some religious zealots are so hell bent to force their religion onto public school students that they will try to camouflage the attempt by trying to create a “controversial issues” policy. They include their religious beliefs with other so-called “controversial issues” like global warming and climate change, UN Agenda 21 and sustainable development. This isn’t the first time that Springboro Ohio Community City School District has tried to give up teaching subjects students need to function in the world today. Luckily there are some concerned parents and community members who won’t let this happen without a fight.
Springboro Community City School District’s new curriculum — part of an effort to help students think critically and learn to “identify important issues” — mandates that “[a]ll sides of the issue should be given to the students in a dispassionate manner” to help “students to be taught to think clearly on all matters of importance, and to make decisions in the light of all the material that has been presented or can be researched on the issues.” Controversial issues include:
religion when not used in a historical or factual context, sex education, legalization of drugs, evolution/creation, pro-life/abortion, contraception/abstinence, conservatism/liberalism, politics, gun rights, global warming and climate change, UN Agenda 21 and sustainable development, and any other topic on which opposing points of view have been promulgated by responsible opinion and/or likely to arouse both support and opposition in the community.
Ohio School District May Add Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theories To Curriculum
Yes, they think students need to learn about whacked out conspiracy theories as if they are just as valid as real facts like climate change.
That’s not how critical thinking works at all. You don’t start by using refuted crackpot conspiracy theories like UN Agenda 21. Evolution vs Creationism is a manufactured conflict by religious zealots who refuse to accept the fact of Evolution.
The proposed policy would be like deciding to teach kids that 3 + 3 = 10 because Jesus said so in the Bible.
The policy is stupid and will make kids stupid.