Minnesota lawmaker trusts God to protect us from climate change

Minnesota State Rep. Mike Beard is a cheap labor conservative and pro-business who denies climate change is a problem so he wants to lift the moratorium on coal-fired power plants in Minnesota. Of course he doesn’t as most cheap labor conservatives don’t think climate change is a problem. But then he had to base his views on his religion.

A lot of what Beard knows he learned in church. One Congressman, talking about global warming, recently said that God wouldn’t allow man to do anything to destroy the planet. Beard told me, “It is the height of hubris to think we could.” I asked him about nuclear war. He said: “How did Hiroshima and Nagasaki work out? We destroyed that, but here we are, 60 years later and they are tremendously effective and livable cities. Yes, it was pretty horrible,” he said, “But, can we recover? Of course we can.”

It’s like the old farm back in Pennsylvania.

‘We are not going to run out’
Beard believes that “God is not capricious. He’s given us a creation that is dynamically stable. We are not going to run out of anything.”

The International Energy Agency’s most recent analysis said world oil production peaked in 2006 and petroleum reserves are now in decline. We might not be running out. We are, it seems, running low. Beard continued, “God gave us our minds, creativity and ingenuity, and that is our most valuable natural resource.” I agreed with him. I don’t think we’ve peaked on those resources, yet.

Picking science that fits politics: Rep. Mike Beard on climate change

That’s right. Beard thinks God will not let us run out of resources or let us destroy the planet.

Imagine his face when our world ends due to a climate catastrophe. The warning signs ARE going off.


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One Comment

  1. Unknown's avatar
    February 28, 2011

    Reality is a strange place for people of faith. But then again so is a science Lecture .

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