Davis Sweet has the right idea concerning 666

Thought I would add this bit to the overheated hype concerning the fact that today is 06/06/06 or better known to my theistic friends as 666 – so-called mark of the beast etc… from blogger Davis Sweet.

Most Americans don’t think about how con schemes work or how people allow themselves to be hoodwinked. And because so many on the left wouldn’t dream of being intolerant to even the most profound injustice as long as it was wrapped in the radioactive label “religion,” nobody talks about the elephant in the room: it’s deadly dangerous to allow magic-believers to apply their childlike gullibility to public policy. It’s almost as if we understand that religion is divorced from honesty, so we feel like we can’t talk about it honestly — at least in public; at least in America.

We would be much better served with honesty. I have faith that that’s true, but I can’t prove it.

So on this day of rampant superstition (and probably some pretty cool parties — 666! Whoo!), here’s some honesty: fearing god is just silly. It’s absolutely indistinct from fearing elves. And chalking up human success to any god is no more admirable. No god ever ended a war or fed a hungry kid. When religious people say “I know,” especially when they’re looking all beatific, they mean “I hope.” “God” is a stone-age proposition that serves no purpose in the twenty-first century other than to rain money from the pockets of self-indulgent fools onto the heads of id-coddling hate mongers — be they priests or pundits.

6/6/’6 Special: Ann Coulter and Why Atheists Roll Their Eyes


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One Comment

  1. Unknown's avatar
    Wolfgang DelaSangre
    August 6, 2006

    It’s amazing the misinterpretations of Scripture people make due to their own twisted thinking or coincidence, but not so much that they believe them. I know that that day was of little significance. In fact, I only know of three events that had any reference to the End Times, but they were little more than that.

    1) The (bad) remake of “The Omen.” The original is scarier, because it doesn’t need a “loud-noise-at-the-right-moment-to-actually-scare-people” track. Though it was all still pretty much inaccurate, biblically speaking. I suggest reading the Bible and doing some research if you watch either of these movies.

    2) Yet another book in the Left Behind prequal series is released, entitled “The Rapture.” This is yet another book about the events that lead up to the Rapture, Tribulation, and so on. While the story itself is fictional, the “skeletal” structure is based entirely on Scripture.

    3) Murdoc, fiction member of the band Gorillaz, turns 40 and is reborn from the hellhole in the depths of KONG Studios. Happy birthday, Muds. Now put on a shirt, will ya? It’s been two months!

    Three events… I KNOW someone out there misinterpreted that as well. I call something like this a “coinkidink,” which is a funnier way of saying “coincidence.”

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