The Washington Post published a story today that talked about the slow death of the Christian Coalition.
The group was founded, in 1989, by Rev. Pat Robertson as the political fundraising and lobbying engine of the Christian right. It was lead for many years by Ralph Reed and is still included in many meetings with the White House and Congress.
Money flowed to the coalition in the mid-1990s, when Bill Clinton was president. But, Michele Combs said, with a conservative president and a conservative Congress, things are different. “It’s harder to raise money when the agenda you’ve been working for all these years is moving forward and you have a place at the table,” she said.
After years of battling the IRS, the Christian Coalition reached a settlement a year ago that secures its status as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) lobbying and educational institution.
But the settlement requires the Christian Coalition to allow candidates to write up to 25 words of explanation on each issue in the voter guides. In the past, the guides listed topics such as “unrestricted abortion on demand” or “adoption of children by homosexuals” and described the candidates’ positions simply as “supports” or “opposes.”
Please, someone hand me a tissue…..