How to write us a review
One way to support the show is to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app. Below is some simple steps to help us out:

Reviews using iTunes or Apple Podcasts:
A. Search for ‘Secular Left’ or my name in iTunes or the Apple Podcasts app
B. Go to the ‘Ratings and Reviews’ tab or menu and rate and write a review. Reviews validate me so I see one I might give you a shout out on the next episode.
Reviews using Android and your favorite app:
- Search for ‘Secular Left’ or my name in your podcast app.
- Find a rating or review menu if available
- Rate and Review the show. I will be very happy and if I see it (take a screen shot and share on social media and tag Secular Left) then I might give you a shout out on the next episode.