Ohio’s governor signs a don’t say gay bill into law that also allows a Christian Nationalist group to indoctrinate children in public schools, a Federal judge claims using preferred pronouns is a 1st amendment violation, Professor Jerry Coyne is called on the carpet for using biology to justify discrimination and in a bright spot a Trans woman is appointed to a city council
Tag: church and state
As the Ohio Legislature barrels through their end of session lame duck time, all the religious zealots are trying to get their pet bills rammed through as if no one is paying attention. One such proposed law would force local public schools to allow Lifewise Academy to indoctrinate young children into their true religion without any guidelines or enforcement when they abuse their privilege.
Find out how a 10-year-old Ohio law ignited a massive and well-funded effort to inject the Holy Bible into public schools. And then we talk about an Ohio State Representative who wants to punish cities who support abortion access, contrary to the recent Abortion Rights Amendment passed by a majority of Ohioans.