Ohio’s governor signs a don’t say gay bill into law that also allows a Christian Nationalist group to indoctrinate children in public schools, a Federal judge claims using preferred pronouns is a 1st amendment violation, Professor Jerry Coyne is called on the carpet for using biology to justify discrimination and in a bright spot a Trans woman is appointed to a city council
Category: Social Justice
In this episode we talk about how a murder last week has led to a reminder of old complaints about the lack of a public option healthcare plan back in 2009. We then talk about the sneaky unethical way Ohio’s Don’t Say Gay bill is about to become law and if passed will also threaten our secular public-school system.
We talk to secular political activist Sarah Levin about the Secular Democrats, how voting for Democrats and non-religious candidates helps secular people, and why need we need interfaith groups.
Reminding me of the Gipper in the 1980s, the GOP is trying to make the old white people scared of outsiders to distract from having no real
The republican party, headed by a convicted felon, devoid of any real policies to help people this election season instead dusted off the illegal immigrint trope to scare white grandma and grandpa and low IQ MAGA faithfuls into voting for them. Then we look at a tool-kit developed to fight back against Christian Nationalists trying to infect our children with extreme religious beliefs in the middle of the school day.
The Ohio Ballot Board attempts to screw with a ballot summary to a proposed constitutional amendment that might end the GOP super-majority, Senator Chuck Schumer claims that really truly if you vote Democrat in November he will really really truly change the filibuster – why don’t we believe him, and a vulnerable longtime House Democrat that attempts to woo people who won’t vote for her and piss off progressives at the same time.