We knew it would be bad for religious freedom when Trump was allowed to appoint three justices to the Supreme Court, once again a majority on the court pull a decision out of their ass to give the religious special privledge during a pandemic. We also update a previous segment on our broken election system and why Georgia’s law is obviously a return to the days of Jim Crow.
Tag: science

As the old proverb goes “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” On Sunday 02/05/2012, GOP presidential sideshow Rick Santorum removed all doubt that his extreme religious views make him an idiot when it comes to science. He told his friends on FOX “news” that abortion causes breast cancer. Current science and public health policy has shot that kind of “scientific” thinking down. It only proves that Santorum should stick to his frothy day job.
The other day a friend of mine posted a link on his Facebook page to some article about FOX News host and resident loon Glenn Beck proving once again how much he lies and uses violent words to his crowd. Another “friend” then commented about how the article was unfair to Beck and then made the claim that the creationism vs Evolution “debate” was also open to personal points of view and agendas. I couldn’t let that crap go unchallenged.
In the latest news article on the Darwin Day dust up (see my previous post) there was a quote that caught my eye. It seems that the former mayor of Reynoldsburg Ohio Robert McPherson said he didn’t remember signing a similar proclamation for a Darwin Day in his city in 2006. Well it seems there is proof that he did in fact issue such a proclamation.
The other day I posted a story about the conflict in the Whitehall city council about naming a Darwin Day to celebrate the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, who developed the concept of Evolution. At a meeting on Tuesday, January 27th, the Darwin Day follies focused on actually naming a scientist to honor for the compromise “Science Month”. And then it got funnier.