In this episode Doug talks about the recent release of secular agendas to the Biden-Harris transition team to help restore the separation of church and state. One particular word change could make some Christian nationalist heads explode and it isn’t saying Happy Holidays. Doug then complains about the infighting between mainstream Democrats and progressives now that the election is over and why it’s only hurting Democrats. Finally Doug mentions the latest religious freedom perversion from the US Supreme Court it allows some churches to ignore state public health orders.
Tag: religious freedom
In this episode, Doug asks why there are no millitary bases named for President Ulysses S. Grant who won the civil war for the north and the weak arguments people make to support keeping Confederate symbols. He talks about the wild complaints about wearing masks one California county government heard, and then shines a bright light on efforts of Christian nationalists to force religion in the public schools in Ohio under the cover of COVID-19 and religious freedom.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has ties to shadowy religious conservative group
The Washington Post reported on a ‘secret’ conservative think-tank that has for years wanted to eliminate the US Department of Education and force the Christian religion into the public schools. The report uncovered by the Post and the fact that many members of the group are involved in the present Trump administration should give us supporters of secular education some pause.

During remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Trump said he wanted to ‘totally destroy the Johnson Amendment’. The amendment is a rule that prohibits churches from giving money or endorsing candidates as part of the deal for federal tax exemption. Trump’s statement puts religious freedom in danger and opens the churches up to dark money that has ruined our election process.

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch with President Trump
It doesn’t take much research or ‘soul searching’ to know that any Supreme Court nominee by President Trump would NOT be friendly to issues of concern to secular people. You don’t even need to do any Internet searching because the major freethought groups already have the goods on Neil Gorsuch. Obviously, any ‘little Scalia’ is no friend of ours.

Serial Liar Todd Starnes
Religious conservative and FOX news contributor Todd Starnes wrote on June 29th that the recently released US House Republican’s Benghazi report noted that members of President Obama’s administration bullied a Christian pastor about a film he promoted that insulted Islam. Starnes claims that breeched the church and state wall. For a ‘reporter’ with a history of ethics problems, Starnes unsurprisingly gets this so-called ‘violation’ wrong.
Starnes writes on his FOX news website column: