Tag: religious bigotry

September 13, 2011

Image of a generic angry mob
Supporters of Sharia Law ban
In the 2010 general election, voters in Oklahoma passed a ballot measure that attempts to ban Oklahoma courts from considering Islamic laws in the their decisions. The law was blocked when the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and ACLU sued. They claim the law violates the 1st amendment of the US Constitution, the Oklahoma Constitution, and the Oklahoma Religious Freedom Act. This story shows that those who support the ban have a bigoted idea of Sharia law and have little knowledge of what our civil rights actually are.

December 18, 2010
September 8, 2010

Some Christian moron plans on burning Qur’ans on Saturday September 11th. Like other stupid Christian fundamentalists he has no real reason to do it but just because he can and he feels he should. I have no love for any religion but book burning? Really? You know who else burned books? Hitler.

August 9, 2010

For some odd reason the media has decided to focus on a small fringe of morons who get their “news” and “information” from FOX “News” or conservative talk radio. One of the idiotic messages the moron club is passing around is that all Muslims are terrorists looking to take over America and force Sharia law on all of us. These geniuses have taken to protesting the building of new Mosques. These people need a civics refresher.

August 4, 2010
July 9, 2010