In this episode, recorded before the murder of George Floyd, Doug talks to activist Julian Mack, spokesperson for Community Solidarity Response Network of Toledo, about how the pandemic actually ripped open and laid bare the existing inequality we have in this country. We talk about the reforms needed in the criminal justice system including the end of cash bail and depopulating of the jails due to COVID-19. Finally we discuss the best path to changing the problems we face.
Tag: protest
In this episode we look at people who think their freedom includes spreading a virus that can kill people. Next we talk about the huge obstacle for Joe Biden to becoming the Democratic nominee in November and finally we talk about a congressional candidate who makes the stay-at-home protestors look like the establishment. We also have an update on the taxpayer bail out of churches.

Ohioan Eliot Kalman intention was good but his actions in protesting an obvious church and state violation was wrong. Kalman put large stickers over a church directory in a county courthouse. While law breaking can sometimes help draw attention to civil rights violations, vandalism is almost never a good way to protest. Damaging property doesn’t win you any friends and makes the people who are the target of the protest more defensive.

Minutemen United is a religious fundamentalist group whose previous claim to fame is supporting illegal religious activities in public schools. Now it seems the group is going after a church for not acting extreme enough toward same-sex marriage and abortion. The group has been protesting at Vineyard Columbus since October 2012. The church filed for a restraining order against the group claiming it was trespassing on church property. Minutemen United is trying to twist the complaint as an attempt to violate their 1st amendment rights while it as all the looks of a publicity stunt.

President Obama speaking to UN 9-25-2012
President Obama spoke to the United Nations on September 25th and the topic of the anti-Muslim video that was posted to the Internet came up as well as the strong protests, some violent riots, that happened in Egypt, Libya, and even in Australia. His message was to reinforce the US Constitution protection of speech and the need to meet dissent not with censorship but with more speech.

Saw in the news on Friday (3/23), in various cities across the country, the Catholic church organized members to protest the upcoming contraception coverage mandate that is part of the Affordable Care Act. Under the guise of religious freedom, Bishops, nuns, and others – mostly men – complained about the mandate. The problem is their protest was for the wrong reason and made them look silly.
At one such protest in Toledo Ohio: