In this episode we take a look at the dumpster fire that is Ohio’s redistricting process after the 2020 census then we talk about the lack of research in the use of ivermectin as a treatment for Covid and the lengths one woman went to force a hospital to treat her husband with it. Finally we look at what we can do after the recent non-decision by the US Supreme Court concerning the ridiculous anti-abortion law that took effect in Texas recently.
Tag: Ohio
In this episode Doug looks at the return of the tone policing beltway media where bipartisanship is a one way street to the GOP. A Republican in the Ohio Senate introduces yet another bill to kick poor people while they are down during a pandemic. Meanwhile the GOP super majority in the Ohio state house promote two members who don’t know how science works as chairs of health care committees including a Doctor who might actually be racist.
In this episode we look at people who think their freedom includes spreading a virus that can kill people. Next we talk about the huge obstacle for Joe Biden to becoming the Democratic nominee in November and finally we talk about a congressional candidate who makes the stay-at-home protestors look like the establishment. We also have an update on the taxpayer bail out of churches.

Rep. John Becker (R-65) claims to be Ohio’s most conservative legislator. He also claims to be ‘Pro-Life,’ Pro-Gun, and ‘Limited Government’, yet a recent anti-abortion bill he introduced shows Becker to not only not be pro-life or for limited government but also shows he isn’t very bright about basic biology. He’s made Ohio government even more of a laughing stock in the country and it passed a so-called ‘heartbeat’ bill.

Former Ohio Governor George Voinovich poses in 1998 with the state seal and motto he had installed at the Statehouse
While cleaning out some old files, I came across a 1998 newspaper clipping that opposed the use of the Ohio state motto, ‘With God All Things Are Possible‘, as a lawn decoration at the statehouse. ACLU of Ohio v. Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board was the first separation of church and state case I followed closely. I published handcrafted web pages that included some thoughts about the case and the text of newspaper clippings from the time. Even 20 years later, the Ohio state motto is still religious.
Back in mid 90s, the Ohio Governor at the time, George Voinovich, had seen religious messages engraved onto government buildings while on a trade trip to India. He thought since the Ohio state house was getting a massive restoration at the time that it would be a good idea to engrave our religous state motto, ‘With God All Things Are Possible’, on the building.

Religious Message wall sign similar to one seen in Genoa OH High School
While watching local TV news on March 21st, during a story about a Genoa Ohio high school student who died in a traffic accident, the station reporter interviewed Cari Buehler, the high school principal, in front of a sign with an ‘inspirational’ message on it. Too bad it was a religious message. Now the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is asking the school district to remove the sign.
The interview was on WTOL in Toledo, Ohio and the screencap below shows the religious sign.