Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, even using causal values, is a terrible person. He has been accused of groping women, admitted to being a pervert, has been married several times, and has some nasty views about women and minorities. Why then is he still getting support from the paladins of virtue – the evangelical Christian community? It really isn’t that hard to see why.
I’m not going to detail on how terrible a human being Trump is, you can search the Internet for details on those points but he has been accused of groping women without consent, admitted to being a pervert by walking into a beauty pageant dressing room without permission, he has been married at three times having started two of those relationships while still married to another wife, and has expressed some vulgar views of women and minorities during campaign stops and on twitter. Yet some evangelicals and their leaders still support Trump.
Secular Left shouldn’t ignore respect
Having a blog can be very interesting sometimes, specially when a post is linked to worldwide and you get tons of visits. When a post of mine sees a lot of hits I follow the referral and see what it was that sparked the interest. Most times it doesn’t bother me because it is a positive link – someone liked what I wrote. This time it was negative because another person made claims about some people called “secular far left” and linked to a category on my blog implying I spoke for these people. I needed to respond.