After 8 years of having religious ideology destroying Federal agencies and policies dependent on rational scientific thought and methods, President-elect Barack Obama said exactly what I wanted to hear.
Tag: government
I mentioned in the previous post about the comments turd Dennis Prager said about an incoming Congressman wanting to use the Quran at his swearing-in photo op. Well it seems that Prager is now trying to disassociate himself from his own bonehead comments. But he still comes out being a turd – an uninformed turd.
Mayor Ray Nagin suggested Monday that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and other storms were a sign that “God is mad at America” and at black communities, too, for tearing themselves apart with violence and political infighting. He also claimed that God wanted New Orleans to be a “chocolate” city again. Meanwhile a group of religious clergy have filed a complaint with the IRS against televangelist Rev. Rod Parsley of World Harvest Church in Columbus and the Rev. Russell Johnson of Fairfield Christian Church in Lancaster improperly used their churches and affiliated entities for partisan politics.
On Thursday January 5th, the Columbus Dispatch printed my letter concerning the issue of the Nativity scene in Reynoldsburg, Ohio (a suburb of Columbus).