Montgomery continues the myth that challenging current state and church entanglements is hostile to religion or an attempt to “strip references to God from the public arena”. These challenges are meant to keep the state neutral toward religion. Favorable or hostile to none.
Category: Myths

Probably a waste of time but an article on the conservative website MichNews caught my eye this morning.
Wednesday night a talk show on the Fox network hosted by loud mouth Bill O’Reilly, called the “O’Reilly Factor”, had as a guest the first paid lobbyist for those of us who support a secular government. Lori Lipman Brown, who works for the Secular Coalition For America, and the issues discussed included the latest Pledge of Allegiance case now in Federal Court.
Writer Michael J. Gaynor was not happy with how the interview turned out. It seems that his buddy O’Reilly failed to get the history of the Pledge correct and “allowed” Brown to gain an upper hand in the “debate”.
Reading various religious right and other political conservative writings on the issue of the “religion of secularism” one would get the idea that there is a “religion of secularism” and that it is trying to corrupt “our children” and “our values”. Evolution, sex education, abortion and everything else against their beliefs is seen as the creed of the “religion of secularism”.
Being that this website is called the Secular Left, you can be sure that the religious right is wrong on all accounts. But don’t take my word for it, let the evidence back me up.
The speakers at the event, calling for judges who rule based on their religious bias rather than rational logic, were a who’s who of the usual religious hypocrites we know and “love”.
So Medved believes that increases in DVD sales, high ticket prices, lack of a tent pole movie, tons of dreck retreads, and poor experiences at theaters had little to do with the current slump? He believes that Hollywood needs “Bush Love-fests” and more “Passion of the Christ” at theaters?